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5 Views - Natural Theology

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Natural Theology - Five Views
Ronnie P.,Jr. Campbell, John C. McDowell, Alister McGrath, Paul Moser, Andrew Pinsent, Charles Taliaferro

Natural theology is a matter of debate among theologians and Christian philosophers. In this book, top scholars in the fields of theology and Christian philosophy introduce readers to five prevailing views on the topic. Contributors include John C. McDowell, Alister E. McGrath, Paul K. Moser, Fr. Andrew Pinsent, and Charles Taliaferro.

The contributors offer constructive approaches from major perspectives--contemporary, Catholic, classical, deflationary, and Barthian--in a multiview format to provide readers with the “state of the question” on natural theology. Each unit consists of an introduction by a proponent of the view under discussion, responses from the other contributors, and a final response by the proponent. James Dew and Ronnie Campbell provide a helpful introduction and conclusion.

Offering a model of critical thinking and respectful dialogue, this volume provides a balanced, irenic approach to a topic of ongoing debate. Students of theology, Christian philosophers, and readers interested in the theology and science dialogue will value this work.
Publisher: Baker Academic
ISBN: 9781540960443
Item #: 16129
Binding: Paper
Chapters: 5
Page Count: 304
Publication Date: 2024

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