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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
The God Contest Storybook
The True Story of Elijah, Jesus, and the Greatest Victory
Kids today are faced with a huge range of different views on who God is (or isn't). How can they be sure who's got it right?

This beautifully illustrated hardback storybook for children aged 3-6 is written by the team behind The Garden, the Curtain & the Cross. It retells two extraordinary events in history when the God of the Bible proved himself to be the one true God.

First it takes children back to Elijah's time and the gripping "God contest" between the God of the Bible, Yahweh, and the false god Baal. Then it fast-forwards to a different mountain and another "God contest" at an empty tomb.

Once the evidence is examined, it invites kids, in a world of so many options, to decide with confidence to join Team Jesus.
Publisher: Good Book Co
ISBN: 9781784984786
Item #: 15582
Binding: Hardcover
Page Count: 32
Publication Date: 2021

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