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Guide to Theological Reflection

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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
by Jim Wilson, Earl Waggoner

Feedback and evaluation, both of oneself and by others, are the lifeblood of a successful ministry experience. In A Guide to Theological Reflection, experienced practical ministry professors Jim Wilson and Earl Waggoner introduce the processes and tools of theological reflection for ministry.

Effective evaluation includes critique and potential course correction for the honest and willing minister, as well as positive affirmation of how one's desires influence good ministry decisions. A Guide to Theological Reflection introduces tools by which a minister can interact with his or her own thoughts, beliefs, and feelings; external feedback, such as that of a ministry supervisor; and Scripture to inform deep and transformative theological reflection.

Designed as a textbook for practical ministry courses and theological field education, A Guide to Theological Reflection can also be used in ministry contexts. It provides guidance for students, ministers-in-training, mentors, and advisors, laying a theoretical foundation for theological reflection and demonstrating step-by-step how to practice it well.

Jim L. Wilson (DMin, Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary) is professor of leadership formation and director of the Doctor of Ministry program at Gateway Seminary.

Earl Waggoner (PhD, New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary) serves as Dean, Biblical Studies & Theology, College of Adult & Graduate Studies, Colorado Christian University.
Publisher: Zondervan
ISBN: 9780310093930
Item #: 14929
Binding: Paper
Chapters: 9
Page Count: 192
Publication Date: 2020

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