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Habig, Brian


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Author(s): (click author name for other books by that author)
By Brian Habig & Les Newsom-PCA. New edition includes a study guide. This title addresses the subject of the Bible's teaching about the Church, and the New Testament's call to live as a part of the enduring community.

This book is "highly recommended." - J. Ligon Duncan III (Senior Pastor of First Presbyterian Church in Jackson, MS)

"The Enduring Community succinctly showsthat Christians with a church-optional mindset areas vulnerable as a chorister without a choir." Marvin Olasky World magazine
Publisher: Reformed University Press
ISBN: 978097589888
Item #: 5747
Binding: Paperback
Chapters: 8
Page Count: 192
Publication Date: 2001

Customer Reviews

(5.00)stars out of 5
# of Ratings: 1
1. on 2/19/2009, said:
5 stars out of 5
This is the most concise and accessible ecclesiology book on the market. The study guide is particularly helpful for small group discussions. This book should be mandatory officer training and community group leader training.
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