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Reed, Gordon Kenworthy

Plain Talk on Christian Doctrine

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Plain Talk on Christian Doctrine
by Gordon Kenworthy Reed - PCA

"Gordon Reed is a skillful writer and gifted preacher, with years of pastoral experience. He brings a lifetime of experience to this exposition of the Catechism. He not only knows the theology of
the Catechism, he lives it. He is such a good popular communicator that he will make difficult topics seem more accessible (you will see his warmth and sense of humor page after page), and he is such a good theologian that he will challenge and stimulate you with his biblical insights. (He never ceases to amaze me with his ability to summarize an important truth in a single simple sentence.) For
preachers and teachers, he not only supplies an excellent explanation of each question of the Catechism, but he offers numerous helpful illustrations and applications of these biblical truths. For students of Scripture, young and old, he clearly explains Bible doctrine in an enjoyable and engaging way. Thus, this volume will helpfully serve both as a devotional help and as a teaching aid." --J. Ligon Duncan

Gordon K. Reed, L.L.D., is former Professor and Administrator at Reformed Theological Seminary; Adjunct Professor, Knox Theological Seminary; Presbyterian Minister in the Presbyterian Church in America.
Publisher: Tanglewood Publishing
ISBN: 9780997249095
Item #: 14767
Binding: Paper
Chapters: 107
Page Count: 178
Publication Date: 2019

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